The National Association of Certified Quilt Judges is the recognized standard for well-prepared, knowledgeable quilt judges. NACQJ Judge Certification is a rigorous independent study program. Candidates in the program must produce and have accepted an extensive research paper in all areas of quilt making from design through construction. They then gather hands-on experience working with NACQJ Certified Judges in judging venues before presenting themselves and their knowledge base to a review panel of Certified Judges.
For me, acquiring this credential was the next logical step in my professional quilting career. I enjoy seeing the beautiful quilts and creativity of fellow quilters and I find it rewarding to recognize and acknowledge excellent workmanship and design.
Guild Shows
If your guild is planning a show and you have not thought about including a certified quilt judge, you may want to reconsider. A judged show is often better attended as attendees enjoy viewing the creative and technical progress of your members, not to mention having a discussion about the worthiness of the awards. I can help your guild select a method of judging that best meets the needs and goals of your members.
NACQJ Certified Quilt Judges can do more than arrive at the show and judge. They can be a great help to a guild in the planning phases of the quilt show.
There are several ways to judge a show and as the sponsor of the quilt show, your group can tailor the judging process to your needs. The feedback to a quilter from a NACQJ Certified Quilt Judge can provide satisfying recognition as well as helpful pointers on areas for additional skill building.
Give me a call or send me an email. I would be happy to chat with you!
Pat Harrison, National Association of Certified Quilt Judges
401. 257.5217 or [email protected]
Fee - $450 - driving distance (100 quilts)
$500 per day - air travel (100 quilts)
NACQJ Certified Quilt Judges can do more than arrive at the show and judge. They can be a great help to a guild in the planning phases of the quilt show.
There are several ways to judge a show and as the sponsor of the quilt show, your group can tailor the judging process to your needs. The feedback to a quilter from a NACQJ Certified Quilt Judge can provide satisfying recognition as well as helpful pointers on areas for additional skill building.
Give me a call or send me an email. I would be happy to chat with you!
Pat Harrison, National Association of Certified Quilt Judges
401. 257.5217 or [email protected]
Fee - $450 - driving distance (100 quilts)
$500 per day - air travel (100 quilts)
Reviews from Guild Members who have worked with Pat...
As a member of Port St Lucie Crazy Quilters, we were honored to have Pat Harrison as our quilt show judge. We are a guild of 120 members and sponsor a quilt show once every two years. Pat judged 135 quilts in a period of one day. She focused on each individual quilt with an experienced eye and treated all quilts with equal attention. Her assessments were based on a wealth of knowledge and experience. Her comments were positive and educational with specifics of techniques to improve the quality of work on the quilts. All of the members who worked the judging day felt inspired and excited to begin the next project and improve quilting skills.
We look forward to our Show and appreciate Pat's guidance and inspiration.
Shay Kraft, Post St. Lucie Crazy Quilters, Port St. Lucie, FL
I thoroughly enjoyed the judging day process! You are a pleasure to work with and you were so very professional and also informative in the judging process. So glad I got to meet you, you are delightful! Maybe our paths will cross again one day! Happy quilting!
Theresa Olson - Port St. Lucie Crazy Quilter, Port St. Lucie, FL
NACQJ Award of Merit
If professionalism, experience, and integrity were not sufficient reasons alone to secure an NACQJ certified quilt judge to judge your group’s show, here’s another incentive—the beautiful NACQJ Award of Merit.
With prior approval of the show coordinator or sponsor, NACQJ certified judges have the option of awarding this special ribbon to a deserving quilt in any show he/she might judge. At the judge’s discretion, it will be awarded to one quilt achieving recognized standards of quiltmaking excellence. This ribbon is not meant to conflict with any other show awards, but will be an encouraging addition to them, at no cost or obligation to the show sponsors.
The NACQJ Award of Merit is yet another way NACQJ strives to recognize and reward fine quilts. Makers of Award of Merit winning quilts will be presented a letter of congratulations in addition to a lovely rosette ribbon. They will also be invited to post photos of their quilts on the NACQJ website and FaceBook page. Click on the NACQJ FaceBook page button below to see the current and past winners of this award.
With prior approval of the show coordinator or sponsor, NACQJ certified judges have the option of awarding this special ribbon to a deserving quilt in any show he/she might judge. At the judge’s discretion, it will be awarded to one quilt achieving recognized standards of quiltmaking excellence. This ribbon is not meant to conflict with any other show awards, but will be an encouraging addition to them, at no cost or obligation to the show sponsors.
The NACQJ Award of Merit is yet another way NACQJ strives to recognize and reward fine quilts. Makers of Award of Merit winning quilts will be presented a letter of congratulations in addition to a lovely rosette ribbon. They will also be invited to post photos of their quilts on the NACQJ website and FaceBook page. Click on the NACQJ FaceBook page button below to see the current and past winners of this award.
Individual Consultations
Did you know that quilt judges and quilt judgings are not just for shows? If you are serious about your quilting, treat yourself and your quilts to a private consultation.
I will review your quilt(s) in detail and give you a printed critique that you can use for design and technique improvement. Your quilt(s) will be evaluated on their own merit and you will be well on your way to creating award winners. Give me a call or send me an email to talk more about this.
Pat Harrison 401.257.5217 or [email protected]
Private Judging Fee - $30 per quilt includes 30 minute review and discussion including a written evaluation
Visit my Credentials page for details about my judging experience.
I will review your quilt(s) in detail and give you a printed critique that you can use for design and technique improvement. Your quilt(s) will be evaluated on their own merit and you will be well on your way to creating award winners. Give me a call or send me an email to talk more about this.
Pat Harrison 401.257.5217 or [email protected]
Private Judging Fee - $30 per quilt includes 30 minute review and discussion including a written evaluation
Visit my Credentials page for details about my judging experience.